So You Think You Can CAD?!

Do you have what it takes to design the first ever MRCA Community combat robot!? Hopefully you do, because we are hosting the inaugural MRCA robot design competition. The intent is to come up with a bot design that will allow an easy entry point to the MRCA for new robot builders. Winning designs will be posted on our website for anyone to attempt to build. With that in mind, these robot designs will be judged based on manufacturability, ease of assembly, and perceived combat effectiveness. The winner will receive a free year of MRCA event entries and we will pay for the winning robot design to be built. This design will also be immortalized for all new comers on the MRCA website. Keep it inexpensive, keep it simple and have fun. Official rules can be found here. All submissions are due by February 25th, 2023.

Good luck, and may the best Midwesternite win!